About A.D. Henderson University School

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a public school?

Yes. A.D. Henderson University School (ADHUS) is organized as a public school within a unique and separate school district; it is not part of the Palm Beach County School System. Henderson School is recognized as a unit of Florida Atlantic University under the College of Education's administrative oversight.

Why do University Schools exist?

University schools in Florida are authorized to provide excellent instruction for grades K-12 and university students, support university research efforts, and test educational reforms for Florida schools. Students and teachers at ADHUS are expected to participate in observation, research, demonstration and similar activities.

What is your tuition?

ADHUS is a public school and thus does not charge tuition. Florida Statutes authorize university lab schools to charge an “activity fee” to be used for non-instructional student activities including: extra-curricular activities, sports, field trips, and other student related costs. The current activity fee charges are provided in the school handbook. Students participating in the free lunch program pay no activity fee and students participating in the reduced lunch program pay 50% of the activity fee charge.

What age does my child have to be to start kindergarten?

Florida law requires all students to be 5 years old on or before September 1st of their Kindergarten year.

Does A.D. Henderson University School provide transportation?


What is the curriculum design at A.D. Henderson University School?

Henderson's curriculum is consistent with the grade-level state and national standards. Henderson students participate in F.A.S.T, end-of-course exams, and other related state assessments. Teachers are encouraged to utilize the newest and most effective research-based instruction in their classrooms. All students are expected to meet and surpass high-level academic benchmarks and grade level expectations each year.

Does ADHUS provide services for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) including gifted education?

ADHUS currently provides Speech and Language and Varying Exceptionalities programs. Varying Exceptionalities includes Specific Learning Disabilities and other categories of disabilities. These programs are designed as inclusive and consultative. The school does not operate a separate Gifted Program.

What is the earliest time that students can be dropped off in the morning? By what time must they be picked up in the afternoon?

Elementary school students attend from 8:00am - 2:30pm. Middle school students attend from 8:00am – 2:45pm. Students may NOT be dropped off in the morning before 7:30 am unless signed up for before care . All students must be picked up in the afternoon within 30 minutes of the end of the school day, but no later than 3:15pm. To ensure the safety of ADHUS students, any students on campus after 3:15pm will be assessed a fee $10.00 per family for every 15 minutes after 3:00 pm.

Does ADHUS have an After School Program?

Yes. The ADHUS After School Program operates from the end of the school day until 6:00pm, except on certain days as shown on the After School Program schedule each year.

How do I enroll my child at A.D. Henderson University School?

Admission is based on a lottery selection process. Applications must be made online and are available on either our application webpage (https://faulabschools.myschoolapp.com/app#login/apply) or our school's homepage (adhus.fau.edu) beginning September 1st. Your child must be at least 5 years of age on or before September 1st of the year he/she will be entering school. You may apply to the lottery for the next school year if they have turned 4 years old by September 1st this year.

What are the demographic lottery factors used?

ADHUS must have a representative mix of different kinds of students because of its statutory research requirement. ADHUS uses student characteristics of gender, race, family income and student ability to match the school's student demographic profile as provided each year by the state. ADHUS is sensitive to family issues, thus a preference is granted to siblings of current students or ADHUS employees when an opening occurs in the appropriate demographic group for that grade level.

When will we hear if our child has been selected for the following school year?

All applicants will be notified of their selection status by July 1st. 

Do I have to fill out a new application each year?

Yes. In June of each year, ADHUS purges the application data base from the previous year. It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to reapply each year on the application website (https://faulabschools.myschoolapp.com/app#login/apply) or on our school's homepage (adhus.fau.edu). The application will become available on September 1st.

What if my child is selected?

If your child's application is selected, you will be notified using the email address provided in your online application. Your applications should be updated if any contact or other application information changes to insure that ADHUS has the most current and correct information. If your child is selected, but you do not respond within the designated time frame provided, your invitation will be rescinded and the school will need to select another student's name.

If my child's application is selected does that guarantee their brothers and sisters automatic enrollment as well?

No. Siblings are given admission preference based upon space availability and student demographics. The school will accommodate siblings as soon as appropriate space becomes available.

What if I want information about FAU High School?

You may access the FAU High School website at fauhigh.fau.edu.

What if I need more information?

You may call the school office at (561) 297-3970 Monday-Friday, 7:30-4:00pm. Or visit our website at adhus.fau.edu.

Thank you for your interest in ADHUS!