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    • Yearbook, Yearbook Ads, and Student Recognitions Sales

Yearbook, Yearbook Ads, and Student Recognitions Sales

Friday, Sep 30, 2022

It is time to purchase your 2022-2023 yearbook, yearbook ads, student recognitions, and to submit photos for this year’s yearbook!  Below are the deadlines and purchase prices. We encourage you to purchase your yearbook, ads and student recognitions early.  All sales (yearbook and ads) will be through Walsworth Yearbooks at  yearbookforever.com.

  1. Visit  yearbookforever.com 
    1. Type in  Alexander D Henderson
  2. By selecting the appropriate tab, on this page you can:
    1. Buy a yearbook.
    2. Buy an advertisement for the yearbook.
    3. Submit photos for the yearbook.

Yearbook Purchases

The following are firm deadlines:
if purchased by December 31, 2022 $55
if purchased January 1, 2023 - January 24, 2023 $65
if purchased after January 24, 2023 $95


Yearbook Advertising/ Student Recognitions must be purchased by January 11, 2023.

No late advertising/student recognition orders will be accepted.

  • $250 full page
  • $140 half page
  • $85 quarter page 
  • $50 business card

*No late advertising/student recognition orders will be accepted.*

Submit Photos for the Yearbook

  • Click on the tab at the top of the blue box titled “Yearbook Snap…”
    • You will be asked to enter an access code.
      • Our code is: Owls23
    • Follow the steps to submit your photos.
    • You can also submit through the YearbookSnap app from the App Store or Google Play and enter the code:  Owls23
      • A flyer with this information will also be sent home through an email.

Questions? Please email the Yearbook Advisor, Jessie Forbes, at  forbesj@fau.edu  or  jforbes@adhus.fau.edu  

Get your yearbook today!
