Thursday, Aug 18, 2022

The purpose of these health and wellness protocols is to outline recommendations regarding mitigation measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our FAU Lab School community. These measures have been identified by health experts as integral to reducing the communication of the virus that causes COVID-19, thus permitting the operations of our community to continue utilizing a conditions-specific approach. These protocols are subject to change, and will be updated and communicated based on the latest available information.


COVID-19 - Related Health Protocols

  • Stay Home When Sick 
    • To mitigate the spread of illness, it is recommended that if you are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms below, refrain from going to work or school and contact Nurse Baltzer at dbaltzer@fau.edu or 561-297-2076.
    • If you are home and feeling ill, email the school nurse at dbaltzer@fau.edu or 561-297-2076 and do not report to work or school. Parents report their child’s absence to the attendance manager and employees contact their supervisor.
    • If at school, the student/employee will be isolated in the clinic until they are able to go home.
  • COVID-19 symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus:
    • fever or chills
    • cough (new onset)
    • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • fatigue
    • muscle or body aches
    • headache
    • sore throat
    • new loss of taste or smell
    • congestion or runny nose (new onset)
    • nausea or vomiting
    • diarrhea
  • Use Good Hand and Surface Hygiene
    • Wipe down frequently touched surfaces before use.
    • Wash/sanitize hands frequently.
    • Cough/sneeze into a tissue.
    • Dispose of used tissues immediately into a trash can and then wash hands. If there are no tissues available, cough/sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not your hands.
    • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth. This can accelerate the spread of infection. 
  • Face Coverings and Physical Distancing 
    • Use of face coverings is optional.
    • Use of face coverings is recommended for five (5) days after exposure to someone with COVID-19 or after testing positive for COVID-19 and returning to school.


COVID-19 Health Protocols

In all cases of COVID-19 exposure, symptoms or positive COVID-19 test results, an employee or student must contact the school nurse at dbaltzer@fau.edu or 561-297-2076.


Regardless of vaccination status, students and employees who have come into contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, procedures are as follows:

  • Contact the school nurse at dbaltzer@fau.edu or 561-297-2076.
  • Continue to report to assigned work or school if symptom-free . While not required, if exposed, wearing a face covering for five (5) days is advisable.
  • May test five (5) days from the day of exposure; however, this is optional. 
  • If you test positive or develop symptoms, follow the steps below under Positive for COVID-19.

Regardless of vaccination status, students or employees who test positive for COVID-19, procedures are as follows:

  • Contact the school nurse before reporting back to work/school at dbaltzer@fau.edu or 561-297-2076.
  • Isolate at home for five (5) days. (Day 0 is your first day of symptoms or a positive viral test. Day 1 is the first full day after your symptoms develop.)
  • You may be released from isolation by the school nurse following a negative test or upon completion of the five (5) days of isolation with improved symptoms and lack of fever for 24 hours. 
  • If experiencing a fever, you may not return until at least 24 hours have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications).
  • To return to school, there must be improvement in all symptoms.
  • It is recommended to wear a face covering around others for an additional five (5) days. 


General Health Protocols

Students should NOT come to school and will ALWAYS be sent home for the following illnesses:

  • Lice/Nits: FAU has a no lice/nit school policy. Any person that has lice/nits MUST be treated prior to returning to school.
    • All condition(s) must be met for the child to return to school: It is REQUIRED that all students be checked by the school nurse OR provide a note from their healthcare provider stating the child is lice/nit-free before returning to school.
  • Pink Eye: Any signs/symptoms such as itching, tearing, redness of the conjunctiva, discharge, or crusting around the eye.
    • All condition(s) must be met for the child to return to school: All signs/symptoms of pink eye have dissipated or you provide a note from your healthcare provider.
  • Constant Cough/Wheezing (including chest pains): Cough requiring nebulizer treatment, you must remain home. The use of inhalers ARE allowed during the school day.
    • All condition(s) must be met for the child to return to school: Asthma flare up, coughing, and/or wheezing has subsided and the course of nebulizer treatment is complete.
  • Constant Sneezing (with any nasal secretions): If you have any nasal secretions, including clear, you may not remain at school.   
    • All condition(s) must be met for the child to return to school: Nasal secretions have cleared completely.
  • Skin Eruptions/Rash (including but not limited to ringworm, scabies, impetigo, molluscum contagiosum, and hives.)
    • All condition(s) must be met for the child to return to school: You may return to school when the rash has subsided OR you provide a note from your healthcare provider. 

  Contact the school nurse before reporting back to school at dbaltzer@fau.edu or 561-297-2076.
