Let's Build This Together
S.T.E.M. Arena And Athletic Complex
At a time when many schools are forced to scale back on physical education, we remain committed to daily P.E. for our students, as well as team sports. In fact, over 80% of students in Grades 5-12 participate in at least one competitive sport per year.
The greatest challenge to continuing the legacy of growth in both athletics and science competition is the absence of a joint-use gymnasium.
This new space will provide a venue in which student scientists can participate and host First Lego League, First Tech Challenge robotics, hydrogen-propelled cars, Science Olympiad, National High School Drone competitions, SEAPERCH and MATE.
Today, our school operates without a gym. Currently, up to 11 teams and dozens of classes can be found altering practices and cramming into hallways in an attempt to escape harsh weather while seeking to become competitive among their peers. This puts the school at a tremendous competitive disadvantage as it seeks to build athletic programs that compete at the highest level. However, the gym is much more. This gym will house a regulation-sized court, seating for spectators, boys’ and girls’ home and away locker rooms, a lobby, restrooms, and storage space.
The lessons to be learned from competition include communication and teamwork, leadership, and fair play. In addition to supporting our P.E., recreational and team sports activities, a new gym would become the one spot on campus that can hold all members of our community.
Your contribution to the Developmental Research School at Florida Atlantic University will guarantee that our teams, our students, and our community will be impacted for years to come.